
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself " 
~ Thomas Jefferson

“More people die every year as a result of the war on drugs than die from what we call, generically, overdosing.”
– William F Buckley


The Drug War creates an artificial world

Putting people in jail in the United States to eradicate the demand for drugs has just the opposite effect. It instead promotes traffic in illegal drugs for large profits. This system promotes drug demand. The United States has effectively become a police Nation who incarcerates more of its population than any other major country in the world. Prisons do not rehabilitate or cure anything. They are training camps for crime. The problem grows.
The United States through International treaties has exported this War On Drugs concept to the rest of the world and made it self sustaining and lucrative. Over 40 to 50 Black Hawk helicopters or more have been ordered and sold south of the US borders at 6-10 million US dollars per helicopter. Much of the equipment including weapons returning from overseas wars are ending up at the borders. Two formerly virtually borderless Countries, the US and Canada, are now in negotiations to further secure their borders to stop the flow of drugs and weapons. 

The end result of all these things seem to paint a very displeasing picture. More prisons, more police, more people in jails and prisons, more weapons of war being sent abroad by America to "protect" its neighbors, more money for armies to fight drug cartels - this will not end. Making drugs and drug users criminal is turning the worlds Governments into the enemies of their own land and their own citizens into the source pool for new victims to keep it all going.

Public opinion in the United States - contrary to the wishes of its own Government has shifted to supporting the legalization of marijuana. A Government who cannot support the wishes of its own people cannot long endure. A discussion in the US is now under way, trying to catch the closed ears of politicians seeking to avoid the controversy and the implications of trying to end the all out war in an election year. 

This IS the state of affairs in America today. I see this discussion as a glimmer of hope to a suffering world, and a possible beginning toward America reversing this horribly fascist approach at trying to protect its own interests at everyone else's expense.


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


  “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”



- Joseph Goebbels - Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945




Blind mans bluff or pin the tail on the donkey?

Three presidents have smoked marijuana, and thank goodness none progressed to the harder stuff. That's proof enough to throw out the gateway drug theory. The Department of Health and Human Services has US Patent 6630507 titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” and in the patent it describes their opinion of cannabinoids having medical value. Mayo clinic has requested Federal changes that would allow scientific and medical research into benefits (anti tumor activity being one). Most American's have tried pot or knows someone who has. The list goes on and on.

While Washington prepares for the big event in November, several branches of the Government are busy destroying patients access to a plant that provides treatment and relief for thousands in the same way it has for the last 5000 years. Good people are losing their livelihoods and patients and providers alike that follow their own States laws are being prosecuted and incarcerated. People are going to jail and prison. A war on home soil against Americans by Americans the likes of which history has never seen is being waged by almost every branch of the Federal Government.

There are no secrets here. Nero watched while Rome burned then blamed it on the Christians.

By the time November arrives without some relief for the many thousands involved, the game might change from "blind mans bluff" to "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". 

Who will Obama blame then?

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