— Roger Q. Mills of Texas, 1887,
quoted repeatedly during a December 1914
debate in Congress over alcohol Prohibition
“The Drug Enforcement Administration was created by President Richard Nixon through an Executive Order* in July 1973 in order to establish a single unified command to combat “an all-out global war on the drug menace.” At its outset, DEA had 1,470 Special Agents and a budget of less than $75 million. Today, the DEA has nearly 5,000 Special Agents and a budget of $2.02 billion.” http://www.justice.gov/dea/about/history.shtml
* executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes
Congress Must Stop The DEA To End The War On Marijuana And Anyone That Uses It
by: Thinking Clearly
The DEA was established right after Nixon started the war on drugs. Its purpose is to keep marijuana illegal. To think that it actually cares about facts is a fairy tale.
On March 21, the day before the Shafer Commission released its report, Nixon said, "We need, and I use the word 'all out war,' on all fronts ... we have to attack on all fronts." Nixon and his advisors went on to plan a speech about why he opposed marijuana legalization, and proposed that he do "a drug thing every week" during the 1972 presidential election year. Nixon wanted a "Goddamn strong statement about marijuana ... that just tears the ass out of them."
Nixon's private comments about marijuana showed he was the epitome of misinformation and prejudice. He believed marijuana led to hard drugs, despite the evidence to the contrary. He saw marijuana as tied to "radical demonstrators." He believed that "the Jews," especially "Jewish psychiatrists" were behind advocacy for legalization, asking advisor Bob Haldeman, "What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob?" He made a bizarre distinction between marijuana and alcohol, saying people use marijuana "to get high" while "a person drinks to have fun."
In 1969, President Richard Nixon announced that the Attorney General, John N. Mitchell, was preparing a comprehensive new measure to more effectively meet the narcotic and dangerous drug problems at the federal level by combining all existing federal laws into a single new statute. The CSA combined existing federal drug laws but it also changed the nature of federal drug law policies, expanded the scope of federal drug laws and expanded Federal law enforcement as pertaining to controlled substances. The Drug Enforcement Administration was established on July 1, 1973 and signed by President Richard Nixon on July 28.
Until the US Congress stops them, the DEA will always do what it was meant to do: "tear the ass" out of marijuana users and prosecute an unreasonable and unrelenting war on drugs - especially marijuana.
The drug war and the mass incarceration of America will never end until the US Congress or the President addresses the DEA and stops them from prosecuting the still continuing War On Drugs and the people that use them.
A Lawful Executive Action: Declassifying Marijuana
By Ilya Shapiro at the CATO Institute

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