Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Michigan Senators Consider ‘Stone Soup’ Medical Marijuana Legislation

 By Rick Thompson The Weed full article

The failed attempt to wipe out dispensaries and the frustration Schuette felt at being stymied in his efforts to collude with the DEA, coupled with a Republican majority in both houses of government, created an attitude of action on the part of conservatives. ...

Much of this confusion is the result of the legislative stone soup nature of the development of the Walsh Bills. It appears each bill was started as a single issue before various special interest groups each added their own flavor to the soupy package. “Special interest groups are lining up to push their agendas and collect political IOUs,” ...

Senate has booked themselves an early exit from duty, bowing out as early as December 13th, whereas the House may continue to conduct business until the 20th. If true, this gives the Senate only six days in session remaining in 2012 with more pressing issues left to resolve  ...

“Even if these issues individually merited consideration there is simply no time to give them a thorough evaluation by legislators or a reasonable period for citizen response,”

A recent survey of polls conducted by the statewide MLive Internet network of newspapers reveals a continuous level of support for both marijuana freedom and a relaxation of restrictions.

 ...these anti-patient laws are so confusing and unpopular they could only be passed in the blurry rush of unaccountability that the lame duck session has become.

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