Friday, July 26, 2013

Study Suggests that Baby Mice Shouldn’t Do Bong Hits

 By Bucky Turco at:  Animal

 Well, seems as though pet owners should be aware not to leave the stash laying around for their pet mice...



note from Thinking Clearly:

taken from the study:

 "In the adult mice exposed to marijuana ingredients in adolescence, we found that cortical oscillations were grossly altered, and they exhibited impaired cognitive abilities," says Ms. Raver.


I was not very familiar with what cortical oscillations were so I looked it up. Here is what I found:


Neural oscillations have been observed by researchers but their functional role is still not fully understood.  A major area of research in neuroscience involves determining how oscillations are generated and what their roles are. Oscillatory activity in the brain is widely observed at different levels of observation and is thought to play a key role in processing neural information. Numerous experimental studies indeed support a functional role of neural oscillations; a unified interpretation, however, is still lacking. 


My question is this. How can a definitive statement be made about cognitive abilities and detrimental effects of marijuana by studying cortical oscillations when a unified interpretation about neural oscillations and their functional role is still lacking?

    Thinking Clearly

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