In the 50's I never knew marijuana.
In the 60's I tried it and thrilled with my new found freedom.
In the 70's I realized that drugs were no answer for an inability to confront the trials and tribulations of life.
In the 80' and 90's I have watched my children grow and half use marijuana occasionally.
In the 2010's to now I have resumed smoking marijuana for medical reasons related to my physical condition (and now retired due to illness).
My working career has been spent helping others who have been harmed by drugs.
The greatest harm for those that smoke marijuana has been in the cruel and unusual treatment we give to people that choose to smoke pot instead of drinking or doing other drugs. The only harm I have ever seen from smoking marijuana has been metered out by courts and judges.
I now have dedicated myself to ensuring that my grandchildren never have to face the ruin that comes about by the criminalization of a plant that pays the salaries of so many to generate the absurd lies that keep marijuana illegal and endanger the future of my grand children.
Pot is NOT more harmful than a government who uses it as a gene pool for greed. Pot is NOT more harmful than a government who uses marijuana to feed a lust for bilking the population out of billions of tax dollars every year to demonize an herb that you should be able to purchase at the health food store or get from your family doctor.