Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Driving in circles

by Pete Guither at DrugWarRant 


My response:

Cannabis is so different from alcohol that these scare stories from law enforcement have little resemblance to reality. Most folks I know that use cannabis will be the first ones to tell you that they won’t drive if too stoned. If a person is drunk they will gladly grab the keys and go for a drive anyways. The differences are like night and day.

People have been smoking cannabis in large numbers since I can remember back into the 60’s. Now, since legality is proposed, law enforcement is in danger of losing their biggest moneymaker: arresting people for pot. Without a device to tell them if metabolites exist the truth is they usually can’t tell. There is nothing going on that distinguishes the difference between a person who has marijuana metabolites in their bloodstream and a person who is cold stone sober – in most cases these are one and the same.

Law enforcement is afraid of losing their pry bar tool to harass and make money on the roads like wolves waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey. Observing impaired driving function is not enough to equal the ease of breathalizer proven impairment. The law enforcement community better face the facts:

There is no proven level of impairment for cannabis. Never will be.

- TC

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